
Friday, July 5, 2019

Invading the Grand Tetons and the Top of the World

Woke up to the kids being awake. Talking about ghosts and hackers. The stories about hackers sound like something conspiracy minded adults would come up with.

Casey’s going with meon the hike. I’m going to stop at the store for grizzly info. May get the spray. Casey said it’s not important.
Considering the size of that bear....

Carrying Daniel’s pistol. The revolver. Haven’t carried a pistol in 6 years. Doesn’t feel to unusual.

Ground squirrels everywhere.

Didn’t get to far and seen a mama moose. She was moving quick, and right behind her were two calves. Couldn’t do a binocular shot.
Got a blurry picture. Started trying to flank her because I dang sure didn’t want to surprise her. Especially with calves
Snake River by Camp

We got called back before we got very far. Less than a mile.
It was slow because it wasn’t like a normal hike. More like a hunt where I would feel better with my .308 than a .45 Long Colt.
Usual where I usually go I’m the apex predator.
Not here. Even the herbivores are very dangerous.
Still very relaxing, either way.

Going into the Grand Tetons around Jenny Lake. On the way a big black bear just went off the road. Neither Joey or I were fast enough to get that picture

Jenny Lake overlook is so peaceful. Lots of normal pictures and through the binoculars. The other shore is a mile across but doesn’t look it.
Grand Tetons
Jenny Lake

Snowmelt Waterfalls

Going on the tram at a Jackson Hole resort called Teton Village.

That was amazing. So many pictures and videos. Insane. 10,450 feet up in the air. Only been that high in a plane. So cold too. When we got to the top we saw other tourists in jackets, shivering. Definitely weren’t prepared for that today.
All of Casey’s pictures have her shivering. You'll see in the video.

Back at camp and packing for the ride to Mount Rushmore tomorrow. Today was definitely my favorite.

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