Finally had a brief moment of cell service. FitBit was running again and I was reaching out to mom and RussKee to let them know we’re safe.
Today’s was full. A animal bonanza. First was West Thumb, with a sign about bears and a great view.
Followed by a stop at Yellowstone River. Still not used to a river running “backwards”.
More Geyser stuff like the Dragon’s Mouth and Mud Volcano. The Mouth has a rumble to it.
Rolling through Hayden Valley. Bison everywhere. A small dot moving but we can’t stop. I glass it and it appears to be a bear. Black I think.
We finally stop and glass the whole valley. Surprising amount of life.
We make it to Artist’s Point on the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone.
It’s impossibly deep. John says it’s hard to imagine the Grand Canyon is deeper.
Right. Got a lot of pictures, and had to endure a lot of Casey’s pictures.
Trails were closed so we couldn’t go to the lower falls.
Finally figured out these black birds that are hanging around are not crows but ravens. I thought they were to big to be a crow.
We stopped at Canyon Village.
While at its gas station, we saw a couple of ambulances drive in. Then leave. No idea what happened there. Down the road a lot of people were out looking at something.
Joey, me and Dustin walked down there. Not smart if it’s a bear.
Bull elk.
Passing beautiful country on the way to Mammoth Springs. Stopped at one canyon with a layered rock that was interesting. It was straight with grooves that looked like it had been scooped out.
I forgot who saw them first but there were mountain goats walking on the incredibly steep sides.
I used my binoculars as a zoom lens.
We’re passing one area with people hiking when Daniel and me notice a grizzly in the middle of them running away.
They’re within 10 feet, taking pictures.
Daniel yelled Bear and a few ran. I got one blurry picture from the truck.
Mammoth Springs was interesting. It’s in beautiful country.
Seen so many elk and bison it’s actually getting boring.
Black bear has traffic stopped. Me and Dustin contribute to the jam by jumping out and getting pictures.
Coyote or fox (I think fox) darts across the road with a rodent in its jaws. I try to get a picture but it’s blurry.
Another traffic jam. I’m trying to find what everyone is looking at before we arrive. It’s not till we get there I see a small grizzly in the woods. I know there are some big ones here but I’m not seeing any in Yellowstone.
Dustin took this one |
Almost to camp, I’m looking in the burned out forest, thinking about making the same loop Joey, Lillian and Miranda and John hiked that morning.
That’s when I spot a huge grizzly.
Bear! Bear! Big Bear!
I grab and drop my binoculars because this foolishness will have to happen fast. I bolt from the truck, leaving the door open in case I have to run back.
Silently running to where Dustin and Georgia are. We’re shooting pictures, video, Casey runs up, I do shots with her better camera.
Dustin took this and the middle one. His Samsung camera is better than my iPhone 7's |
Then I watch the beast tear open logs for grubs as more people stop to get pictures.
Daniel is freaking out, telling us to come back.
Then the bear turns towards the road.
We beat feet back to the vehicles.
I’m at the truck watching through binoculars.
Can’t wait to tell John about this.
Show John the video. He gasps.
I grin, saying, "You walked through there this morning."
It did change my plans a bit. I’m not going through that area. I’ll stick to the river. Where Bears also hang out...
A recurring thought today was God’s an artist