
Friday, February 15, 2019

Stalked By Politics

"You used to care about politics! What happened? Are you a sheep now?"

That's not how you win friends or influence people. At one point I was heavily into politics. Now I'm not.

Why? In no particular order:

  1. I don't have time to fact-check every claim.
  2. It's never cut and dried, always nuanced.
  3. I'm burned out from when I was in the fight.
  4. I don't have time for this now because my focus is different. 
  5. I could jump back in and be a real beast at it, however, politics makes me angry so why pull the trigger and be angry all the time. 
  6. Politics are quid pro quo. 
  7. Politics are tribal and when people get emotionally involved their reasoning ability goes down.
  8. I'm not going to argue with emotional people, its a waste of time.
Instead, I'll focus on my priorities now of following Jesus, husband, teacher, and friend. One of the best decisions I made was turning off the 24/7 news cycle. 

If a friend wants to discuss policy and we can keep it civil, great, I can roll with that. 

I'm just not going to blister the internet like I used too.

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